UCLA vs. Notre Dame
Anyone need UCLA vs. Notre Dame tickets for this weekend? I have two in section 15-L, row 6! Face value on them are $75 each. We would be there if we weren't going to Vegas this weekend. You know you want to go see UCLA kick Notre Dame's butt! If you want them shoot me an email! drew@drewbphotography.com. Go Bruins!
UPDATE: Tickets have been sold to my self-proclaimed "blog stalker" Lisa Marie :) Have fun at the game, even though the Irish are going to LOSE :)
R u going to come hang out with us for awhile!?
If you were a real fan, you'd skip Vegas be at the game.
And how many games have you been to this season, Jasmine? Yeah, that's what I thought ;p
LOL!! Hey, I'm going to the only one that matters: UCLA vs. USC. Yup, I got tickets. So, who's the real fan now!?!? :)
(totally kidding)
Yuck. I don't go to the Colosseum! You should sell your tickets and come to our PAR-TAY! And I was at the best UCLA vs. USC game last year. Can't top that!
Drew - thank you again for the tickets. the seats were amazing! Although the surrounding UCLA fans had a few comments about our ND garb, they soon had nothing more to say once it became clear that ND was going to win! Although, all fans in the stadium came together and cheered for one thing - USC's loss! I hope you had fun in Vegas and thanks again for the tickets!
Jasmine- you can tailgate with us at the SC game. We'll be there with isaiah in tow- sporting his blue & gold onesie! However, I am with you on one thing Drew- I HATE going to the colosseum. It's always a terrible experience!
By the way- you didn't miss much at the game. It was sad... however, USC loosing was a very uplifting couple of minutes :)
P.S. we sold our tickets for last year's sc game. How sad were we...
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