Friday, October 12, 2007

The Bengards

The Bengards are one of my most favorite families to shoot. I've been shooting Aiden since he was a baby and now he's a big 2 year old who loves trains. So, it only made sense to have their family session at the Train Depot in San Juan Capistrano. Aiden was SO excited for the trains! I thought it might be a distraction, but it was such a good motivator. Aiden was making me laugh the whole time. He's such a little charmer! I think I have a new boyfriend :) Two is my favorite age for kids. It might not be when it's my own kid, but when I get to give them back to the parents I love toddlers. They are so much fun!

Here are just a few of my favorite pictures. Here's the slideshow... finally!



At 4:37 PM, Blogger Jamie B said...

Awww........Drew!! I love them!!! Thank you so much!!!! You are the best EVER!!!!

nbbbgbrfrthntgrfeslobkvc.... I'm pretty sure that that was Aiden saying that he loves you!! HEHE

At 11:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

These turned out amazing!!!! LOVE them! Must be pretty easy though... they are such a beautiful family ;)


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