The Bengards
The Bengards are one of my most favorite families to shoot. I've been shooting Aiden since he was a baby and now he's a big 2 year old who loves trains. So, it only made sense to have their family session at the Train Depot in San Juan Capistrano. Aiden was SO excited for the trains! I thought it might be a distraction, but it was such a good motivator. Aiden was making me laugh the whole time. He's such a little charmer! I think I have a new boyfriend :) Two is my favorite age for kids. It might not be when it's my own kid, but when I get to give them back to the parents I love toddlers. They are so much fun!
Here are just a few of my favorite pictures. Here's the slideshow... finally!
Labels: Then Comes Baby
Awww........Drew!! I love them!!! Thank you so much!!!! You are the best EVER!!!!
nbbbgbrfrthntgrfeslobkvc.... I'm pretty sure that that was Aiden saying that he loves you!! HEHE
These turned out amazing!!!! LOVE them! Must be pretty easy though... they are such a beautiful family ;)
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