Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Adios Amigos!

I'm off to Puerto Vallarta to shoot Rita and Scott's wedding! I'm super excited about this wedding! Awesome couple, cool location, and I get to get away from the yucky, smokey southern California air :)

I will definitely have no phone access and will probably have no internet access either. I will be returning on Monday (hopefully very tan) and will return phone calls and emails then.

Have a great week everyone!



At 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Drew,

I hope you R having fun! I can't wait until you and Chuck come back home. Please oh Please bring be back one of those cute little Mexican Chihuahuas. We the new baby on the way I would like a little friend. A little dog can get awfully lonely.


At 7:17 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Take care and i hope you have safe travel. i look forward to seeing the wedding images.


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