Sunday, October 01, 2006

I love all the weddings I shoot. But, sometimes the weddings I shoot are amazing. Not because the dress cost a lot of money or because the venue is some exotic location. But because the couple is so in love and the families are just so wonderful. Those are the weddings I get teary eyed when the father gives his daughter away and when the groom kisses his bride for the first time. Those are the weddings were I feel like I'm a part of their family and not just their photographer. Those are the weddings I feel so lucky to be a part of.

That's how I felt last night. Nicole and Shane were the 2nd couple I ever took engagement pictures of. It was a VERY cold March afternoon in Laguna. Nicole was brave and wore a tank top and skirt. They were both blinkers and they said I yelled at them to not do that at their wedding (I think it was more like a stearn warning). I've gotten to know Nicole and Shane since then and they are so in love. Their wedding was beautiful and both of their families are so great. I had so much fun! Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your special day! Here's your slideshow.



At 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Drew! How are you? These are GREAT pictures, you are so talented! Glad to browse through your blog. Hope things are well. Kristi Davis (formerly Morrison)

At 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Drew! That is an awesome slideshow!! YOU ROCK GIRL!! I bet you all had so much fun!


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